CASCADE Workpackage 6 | Modelling


WP6 Workshop in Montpellier

25th to 29th August 2014

The workshop will take place at Saint-André-de-Buèges from Monday 25 in the evening until Friday morning 29 of August. We will be in a village about an hour away from Montpellier by car. The idea would be that everyone arrives in Montpellier on the 25 some time during the day. We will wait for everyone to be here in Montpellier and we will then drive to the workshop place. We will drive everyone back to Montpellier on Friday 29 in the morning. If you arrive or leave at a different time, there is the possibility of taking a taxi, but this is a bit expensive.

Here is the list of confirmed people :

Susana, Paco, Angie, Mara, Ana, 2 members from Alterra (Erik and Rudi?), 2 members from Valencia (among: Jaime, Victor, Alejandro), Max, Mart, Florian, Sonia



If you have already booked your flights/trains for the workshop, could you please send Sonia your day/time of arrival in Montpellier?

About the content of the workshop:

  • I suggest to have an update from the scientific active members of WP6 (for those who want; Ana?, Flo?, Mara?, Angie?, Mart?). Please tell me if you're interested in giving a quick update about your work. It is meant to be informal and will be the opportunity to discuss ongoing work (don't worry if you don't have results yet). If anybody else wants to give a short presentation, please let me know.

  • We will discuss the links between models and data within CASCADE. To prepare that, it would be great if the modellers could prepare a list of the parameters they have in their models (name, interpretation, unit) and if the field people could do the same for the parameters estimated in the field (I guess that Angie has such a list for WP3 and maybe also for WP5; if not could somebody from WP5 prepare such a list? Anything from other WPs we should think of?).

  • Florian will give an introduction about the sharing of computer code within CASCADE Flor will give an introduction to git version control and GitHub and show the webpage he created for WP6. After that a small workshop will follow for those who actually want to use this interface. If you are willing to follow the short workshop on github, please create a GitHub account and send your id to Florian so that he can invite you to the CASCADE project.

  • We can discuss the chart suggested by Rudi during the meeting in Cyprus to visualize the differences between the different field sites of CASCADE in terms of species composition and cover What should we plot accross sites beside the % of tree, shrub, grass? Define functional groups of plants for each site?

For people who would want/need to arrive a day later and/or stay a bit longer, I recommend the following hotels in the center of Montpellier:

If you do intent to stay more than the workshop and haven't booked your hotel yet, don't forget that it is high holiday season over here and hotels get booked up quite quickly. If you have any suggestion regarding the workshop or any question, please don't hesitate to contact me.

I am looking forward to seeing you all in Montpellier,

All the best
